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Analysts and developers can use this page to create and download datasets of Head Start service locations. Service locations are the places where Head Start programs operate and staff serve children and families. You may input a city, state, ZIP code, or grant number. You may also select which type of Head Start service location you wish to include in your dataset. Your search criteria will generate results in CSV, XML, and JSON formats.
The locations datasets are updated on a daily basis. Refer to the data dictionary below for more information and for additional notes about this data.
Dataset User Guide
Location data is self-reported and kept up-to-date by each grant recipient. The Office of Head Start sends periodic reminders to grant recipients to update their center datasets, typically on an annual basis. However, it is expected that each grant recipient updates their service location data any time changes occur throughout the year. The reliability of this data largely depends on the quality of data submitted and maintained by grant recipients.
This data feed refreshes once a day, which means any changes made by a grant recipient on their locations data will appear on this dataset the following day. Daily archives of this data are not available.
Users can generate datasets by inputting a city, state, ZIP code, or grant number, and selecting the desired Head Start service location type. If the search functionality is not used, a national dataset is be generated by default.
Search results are available in CSV, XML, and JSON formats.
Primarily for one of the following reasons, Program Administration Address fields (program_admin_id, program_admin_name, program_admin_address_line_one, etc.) may differ from the Grant Recipient Address fields (recipient_admin_address_line_one, recipient_admin_address_line_two, etc.):
These fields combined provide a better understanding of the administrative locations associated with a grant.
Data Dictionary
data_field | alias | variable_type | definition |
grant_number | Grant Number | string | The grant number associated with this service location. |
recipient_name | Recipient Name | string | The name of the grant recipient organization. |
program_type | Program Type | numeric | The type of Head Start programming delivered at this service location. 1 = Head Start Preschool 2 = Early Head Start 3 + 4 = Migrant and Seasonal Head Start 5 = American Indian and Alaska Native Head Start 6 = American Indian and Alaska Native Early Head Start |
service_location_name | Service Location Name | string | The name of the service location where services are provided. |
address_line_one | Address Line One | string | The primary address line for the service location. |
address_line_two | Address Line Two | string | The secondary address line for the service location, if applicable. |
city | City | string | The city where the service location is situated. |
state | State or Territory | string | The US state or territory in which the service location is situated. |
zip | Zip | string | The postal ZIP code for the service location. |
zip_4 | Zip 4 | string | The 4-digit extension of the postal ZIP code, if applicable. |
latitude | Latitude | numeric | The geographic latitude coordinate of the service location. |
longitude | Longitude | numeric | The geographic longitude coordinate of the service location. |
county | County | string | The county where the service location is situated. |
funded_slots | Funded Slots | numeric | The number of funded slots in the service location as reported by the grant recipient. These slots may be funded by the Office of Head Start (OHS), state funds, tribal funds, other federal programs, or additional non-OHS sources. |
status | Status | string | The operating status of the service location. Open: Currently, children/pregnant women are receiving services at the designated location. Closed: Currently, children/pregnant women are not receiving services at the designated location. Examples of closed status include a lack of staff and facility issues that are being addressed. Scheduled holidays, summer breaks, and short term closures (ex. snow days) are not represented in this status. |
registration_phone_number | Registration Phone Number | string | The public phone number used for registration and inquiries. |
service_location_phone_number | Service Location Phone Number | string | The general phone number for the service location. |
program_admin_id | Program Admin Id | string | The administrative ID representing the overseeing program's office. It also indicates whether the program is operated directly by the grant recipient or program services are delegated to another agency. 000 or 200 - Program operated directly by the grant recipient 001, 201, 101, 201, 002, 202, 003, 203... - Program operated by a delegate agency |
program_admin_name | Program Admin Name | string | The name of the administrative office or entity overseeing the program. |
program_admin_address_line_one | Program Admin Address Line One | string | The primary address line of the program's administrative office. |
program_admin_address_line_two | Program Admin Address Line Two | string | The secondary address line of the program's administrative office, if applicable. |
program_admin_city | Program Admin City | string | The city where the program's administrative office is located. |
program_admin_state | Program Admin State | string | The state where the program's administrative office is located. |
program_admin_county | Program Admin County | string | The county where the program's administrative office is located. |
program_admin_zip | Program Admin Zip | string | The postal ZIP code for the program's administrative office. |
program_admin_zip_4 | Program Admin Zip 4 | string | The 4-digit extension of the ZIP code for the program's administrative office, if applicable. |
Variable Changes
prior_var | new_var |
grantNumber | grant_number |
type | program_type |
programIdentifier | recipient_name |
cID | n/a |
name | service_location_name |
addressLineOne | address_line_one |
addressLineTwo | address_line_two |
city | city |
state | state |
zip5 | zip |
zip4 | zip_4 |
latitude | latitude |
longitude | longitude |
county | county |
slots | funded_slots |
status | status |
programRegistrationPhone | registration_phone_number |
phone, programPhone | service_location_phone_number |
delegateNumber | program_admin_id |
programName | program_admin_name |
programAddressLineOne | program_admin_address_line_one |
programAddressLineTwo | program_admin_address_line_two |
programCity | program_admin_city |
programState | program_admin_state |
programCounty | program_admin_county |
programZipFive | program_admin_zip |
programZipFour | program_admin_zip_4 |
For any inquiries or further assistance, please contact us.
Last Updated: January 9, 2025