You Make the Difference: Posters
These posters provide tips for staff on how to reduce stress and make the workplace a great place to be.
These posters provide tips for staff on how to reduce stress and make the workplace a great place to be.
During transitions, infants and toddlers need adult support. Learn how adults can help by building caring relationships, offering consistent routines, and being flexible to meet the unique needs of each child
This season of Teacher Time focuses on the four sub-domains of the ELOF Approaches to Learning domain. Each episode highlights teaching and learning experiences that support children’s approaches to learning in ways that are culturally and linguistically responsive and promote children’s sense of identity.
These four Teacher Time episodes focus on supporting the four sub-domains of the ELOF Approaches to Learning domain with preschoolers and their families.
These four Teacher Time episodes focus on supporting the four sub-domains of the ELOF Approaches to Learning domain with infants, toddlers, and their families.
Play is more than fun; it supports infant and toddler learning across domains. Discover strategies for effectively managing and scaffolding play and creating play-friendly activities and environments.
These Brush Up on Oral Health tip sheets provide information on current practices and practical strategies to promote good oral health for pregnant women, children, and their families – both in the classroom and at home.
Explore culturally responsive practices and how staff can help parents promote their children’s oral health.
Explore oral health literacy, why it is important, and what Head Start staff can do to improve it.
Learn how to support pregnant women and parents in obtaining, processing, and understanding information to make appropriate oral health decisions, taking into account families’ language and culture.