Now that your team has worked hard to generate a comprehensive and detailed report, it is time to share it with others. Remember, data should be meaningful and actionable. You will want to design different reports for different audiences. Consider a key synopsis on specific topics or a separate executive summary.
A number of audiences will be interested to learn about the data and recommendations.
- The governing board/Tribal Council and Policy Council must review the report before it is shared with others.
- Regional Office staff will review the community assessment report and use it to help them understand and make decisions about your program. They will want to know about demographic information and how your program anticipates responding to trends. Details from the community assessment report, including the long-term goals and measurable objectives, are included in the Head Start grant application.
- Program staff will be interested in gaining a better understanding of the children, families, and communities they serve. They will also want to know if their roles and responsibilities may change as a result of the findings. The report should help them to understand whether program options, locations, and annual calendar may change or whether there will be different staffing needs.
- Parents will find the report helps them understand more about the program. In reviewing it, they may have questions, including whether program services will be changed or what new service providers have been identified in the community.
- Community organizations also will want to hear about the findings because their roles may be expanded if there are shifting population patterns or service trends.
- If the Head Start program is part of a larger agency, the governing board may want to have additional discussions on the findings and implications, not only for Head Start, but for other programs
in the agency. - Programs must include a summary of their most recent community assessment in their annual report.

New Director Tip
Responsive Reports
There are many ways to share the results of your community assessment. Consider your audience when determining what you will share and in what context. An infographic is a great way to provide a summary for community partners, highlighting major findings and priority areas for your agency.

While your community assessment will provide a unique portrait of your program and the community it serves, you can find inspiration in completed reports posted on the Internet. A Google search for "Head Start Community Assessment" provides a long list of reports to review.
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Resource Type: Article
National Centers: Program Management and Fiscal Operations
Audience: Directors and Managers
Last Updated: July 18, 2024